
Kroger Trip

Well I didn't do awesome, but i still used coupons on almost everything i purchased, and was able to double up on coupons with my E-coupons and Paper coupons.

Anglesoft Bath tissue
All detergent x2
hamburger helper x3
hunts ketchup
cookies x2
au gratin potatoes x2
kroger canned fruit x2
apple sauce
deli fresh sand meat
toaster strudles x2
turkey hill tea x2
bounty paper towel
clean and clear face x6
always infinity
tampax pearl
secret deodorant
edge shave cream x2
charmin bath tissue
carefree liners x2
fiber one yogurt 4pk
yplt yogurt x6
glade spray
cream cheese
crecent rolls x2
biscuits x2
pizza dough x2
kraft cheese x2
bryers ice cream

mnfctr Coupons=$38.54
Coupon doubled=$6.25
=88.06 OOP
+4.50 ONYO
+10.00 Mail in Rebate.


Again i have neglected my Blog...I will do better

Really i put couponing on hold for about 2 years. When i got pregnant, i just couldn't handle it, because i was so nauseous that i couldn't take my time to do it. Well i am definitely back at it, but i haven't been as good as i once was, so i will keep doing my coupon shopping from now on and try to get better. I almost have to re-learn everything.
In recent transactions i have just been slowly stocking up on my ECB's from CVS, and getting a few things in the process but not really anything to brag about. Except maybe the 10 things of revlon mascara i got from CVS the other day, i paid 6$ oop and i got back $10 ECB's. so money maker! For those of you who think im crazy for making a blog, just try couponing and see how rewarding it is to you...